We want to welcome you to our blog. We hope you find it to be entertaining, smile enforcing, and even inspiring at times. These are our moments.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Counting my blessings

I thank God for these little girls every single day.  God has blessed us so greatly.

I have been trying to figure out how to write this post.  I do not know if I can put into words how much someone I do not know has affected me.  Last week, I found a blog (through another blog) of this incredibly amazing family.  Take the time to read the story of Courtney and her amazing little boy Tripp.  I cannot imagine the pain of what they are going through.  Tripp is very sick and Courtney has devoted her life to making his the best it can possibly be.  Tripp is a beautiful gift from God.  I am amazed.  I cannot get this sweet family off of my mind and all I can do is pray for them.  I know that this is the best thing I can do for them and I know that God has put them on my heart for a reason.  I have prayed for this family, wept for this family, and I will continue. 

I do not know understand why such pain exists here on earth, but I do know that God can and is using it to His glory.  I also know that, after reading their story, I have been in constant awe and gratefulness that God has blessed us with two healthy girls.  I have always thanked God for our girls' health, but after reading about this family, I am grateful on a whole new level. 

Please pray for Courtney and Tripp.  I don't think they will ever know the impact they have had on my life.

Don't forget to thank God for your blessing every day!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gwinnett County Fair 2011

FAIR 2011!

We had so much fun!  Lorelei keeps wanting to go back to the fair! I wonder why...rides, animals, funnel cakes...a great night for a kid!

We started off riding the train!

Madelyn spent the first 30min or so at the fair like this...

 Daddy and Lorelei on the carousel
 Look who woke up happy to be at her first fair!  She loved all of the lights when it got dark outside!
 Of course we went to the petting farm

Daddy even tried to knock down the joker!

We won prizes for L and even ended the night riding the elephant ride!  What a wonderful night! 
Now, if we can just get Lorelei to understand we have to wait a whole year to go back...

Friday, September 30, 2011


One of the most precious moments I have experienced as a parent happened this past week...

Our family was in the car and Adam and I were talking.  I heard Lorelei talking in the backseat but didn't think much of it.  Then, I looked back and saw her with her head bowed and her hands folded and she was saying "Thank you God, for my blessings, Amen"  It brought tears to my eyes and prayers of thanksgiving!  She kept praying so I grabbed my phone to get it on video and caught the last few seconds...

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Noises from the backseat

I wish that I had a video or sound clip to go along with this post, but unfortunately you will have to just take my word for it. 

Something I was not prepared for: Madelyn hates the car.  HATES the car.  I think it stems back from when we first brought her home the weather was so very hot and she has not yet forgotten it.  Lorelei was a great car-rider from the first day we brought her home.  Just put her right to sleep.  Madelyn...lets just say it has been a challenge to go anywhere. 

In our search to find something that will soothe her, we popped in the new children's Christian music CD I had bought.  GLORIOUS!  Somehow, she loves it!  So, if you see us driving down the road, you can be almost certain that we are bopping along to "Arky, Arky" or perhaps "Father Abraham."  It is awesome that our little baby loves to worship at such a young age!  Honestly though, it is hard to be mad at the driver in front of you when you are singing along to "He's got the whole world in His hand..."

Sometimes when I forget the music is playing and I am deep in thought, I hear from the back seat Lorelei shouting "AMEN" to "If you're happy and you know it" and it just warms my heart.  Lorelei is getting to know most of the songs on the CDs (notice CDs is now plural) and it makes the car a happy place and to hear Lorelei actually starting to sing praises to God...I cannot tell you what a joyous sound it is.

Also, if Madelyn is upset, Lorelei starts saying "Its okay Madelyn, Shhhhhh" in her sweet little voice. 

Turns out, maybe it was a blessing after all that Madelyn didn't like the car :) 

For everything happens for a reason...


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To God be the glory!

What a very special night!  My amazing husband was baptized!  For the past year or two, the Lord has put it on his heart that he needed to be baptized.  Adam became a Christian at the age of six and was baptized at the age of nine.  However, he really rededicated his life to Christ after college and now that he is a husband, father, and leader of our household, the Lord put it on his heart that he needed to make a public declaration that he is a follower of Christ.
August 6, 2011 at 12 Stone Hamilton Mill at the 5pm service, Adam was baptized by Pastor Kevin Queen.  It was so special to be there with him.  What made it even more special was that Lorelei was there to see her Daddy be baptized.  While she didn't really understand yet, she will understand more someday and she will get to see the video too!  Whenever we talk about Daddy getting baptized she says "Daddy's bath."  Oh so sweet!

I am so proud of my husband!  I have had the privilege of watching him mature in his faith each year that we have been married.  I cannot wait to see what the future holds as he continues to lead our family in His path!  I love you Adam!

Here are our sweet friends who came to support Adam (and Heidi and Ryan who didn't get to make it to dinner).  Dinner was very chaotic with 4 children 2 and under and I loved every second of it!  It is so wonderful to share life with so many wonderful Christian friends and babies!  Love our small group!!!

Adam signing the baptismal

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mommy and Me Gymnastics

I have been looking for something special for Lorelei and I to do together and I think I have found it!  Mommy and Me gymnastics!  Today was our trial class and she did so great!  She loved it!  I realized on the way home that this is probably my only chance to do something like this w/ her b/c once she is three she has her own class...no need for mommy.  So, I will soak up every second I can!

We played with hula hoops

 She got to do the tumble track
 Complete with the foam pit at the end!
 She loved the balance beam

 She even did a roll!
 Trampoline time

We had so much fun!  We finished up the morning by bringing donuts and coffee home to daddy.  I love love love that little girl!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Campmeeting Videos

Ok, so I should start by saying that I know this is a riduculous amount of videos for one post (I had to leave the computer uploading while I went to sleep the other night).  However, I wanted to share some of those oh so special moments of Campmeeting.  If you don't have time for all of them, make sure to watch the last one...so proud of Lorelei!

Babyland fun!

This is not the typical music of Campmeeting (I never remember any music like this)...but it was so wonderful I thought I'd record a little to share...

Sweet Madelyn enjoying church

Just a glimpse of the hayride

This was the 3 and under game of the Loudsville Olympics 2011.  It started out where they were supposed to carry the rocks in the shovel and put them in the bucket, it turned into just putting the rocks in the bucket...turns out it is hard to "organize kids 3 and under"...OH WHAT FUN!  Just so sweet!
Then there was a game for the big kids that involved shaving cream.  Lorelei decided she wanted to check it out and this is how it started...

This is how it ended :)

A little time with Grand Nana and Papa Jim late one night

Lorelei singing!  She did so good!

That is all for Campmeeting this year!  What a wonderful time!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Campmeeting Pictures

Just hanging out on the bench on the front porch

 During the Olympics, Lorelei started playing w/ the shaving cream for the big kids game...this is how it started...
 This is how it ended...

 Lorelei playing the "Gone Fishin" Game w/ Grand-Nana and Papa Jim
 Memaw and I found a new place in Helen...a train store!  It was a whole country.
 The whole family in front of the arbor
 Lorelei did the slip and slide!  Well, truthfully she only made it about 15 feet but that was good!  Check out daddy's bowling stance after sending Lorelei flying :)

I will post some Campmeeting videos next :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Campmeeting--Day 2 and 3

Lorelei getting ready to sing in the morning kids program
 This year's theme was the 10 Commandments so we were writing the commandments with sidewalk chalk...doesn't Lorelei have beautiful handwriting for a 2 year old :)
 Nana had a lunch at her house.  Her great grandchildren love her!
 Later that day we went to Babyland.  My mom loves this place more than most kids :)
 Where is Lorelei?
 Where is Madelyn?
 Lorelei climbed up in the bed to play with the dolls.
 Madelyn wanted to join her
 Dinner with the whole family in Bette's tent
 Lorelei did so good singing "This little light of mine"
 Fun matching outfits!
 Hayride time!  Lorelei is excited!
 The first time around is dry and the 2nd and 3rd time around everyone throws water on the people on the hayride

 Lorelei had so much fun!  She didn't like it when the water hit her but she loved being wet!  Here we are afterwards...soaked :)
 That must mean it is time for watermelon!
More pictures to come in the next post...