We had a wonderful but long day Saturday with a little shopping, then lunch at The Atlanta Bread Company, then to the park for some disc golf and walking, then swinging by Bruster's for some ice cream, then back to shopping. I am worn out just thinking about it. Was our day over? No way. We still had to go visit the Easter Bunny! So, we changed Lorelei into the brand new spring dress we just purchased at Target and headed to the mall. Our little angel, although tired, was a very good sport for the Easter Bunny. She lasted just long enough for us to get a couple good pictures and we were on our way. Then to the grocery store to pick up what we needed for Easter dinner then home for dinner with friends. Wow what a Saturday.
Easter morning!!!
Lorelei wakes us up right on time at 9. We get her up and go looking to see if any surprise visitors may have come and left any fun baskets around the house. Look-a-there there is a huge bunny and an Easter basket just for Little Miss Lorelei. She loves her new bunny and Easter basket filled with bath toys, socks, and bubbles. A little bit of fun, then its time for food and getting ready for church.
Lorelei gets all dolled up in her Easter dress complete with matching bow and shoes. What a sight! We head to 12 Stone for Easter service expecting it to be packed. It was full, although not too bad I guess since they had 4 services this morning. Service was great! Then, Lorelei goes to the nursery and we go to teach the 3 & 4 year old class for the 12:30 service. Awesome! There were more kids than normal and most of them were new. Great interaction and we just loved it! We left church around 2 extremely happy and blessed and thoroughly exhausted.
We went home for some rest. Lorelei took a nap and we just relaxed for a little while. Then, Lorelei woke up so we had a photo shoot outside with some Easter eggs. Next, we brought dinner over to Mimi's. Pot Roast...YUMMY! It was wonderful to visit with Mimi and she just adores Lorelei. What a great day and what a great weekend! I am sleepy even thinking about it! Good thing we have Spring Break to rest this week :)
God bless!