We want to welcome you to our blog. We hope you find it to be entertaining, smile enforcing, and even inspiring at times. These are our moments.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Last Two Days of Campmeeting

First of all, sorry this is so late. I need to do several VERY late blogs of our summer. Here is the first one...

Last Two Days of Campmeeting!!

Daddy was able to be there for the morning singing and story time!
This morning we learned about Easter...so we had an Easter Egg Hunt!

And they are off!

Lorelei loved finding eggs.
Mom, Dad, and Lorelei all went to Helen for the day and had a blast.

Lorelei is finally learning to pay attention now that it is the last day :)

The last morning we were there was the day we let go of the balloons. Each year the kids attach a letter to the balloons and ask if anyone finds it, to send it back. Each year, about one person finds the leftovers of a balloon and sends it back.

The balloons are the colors of the salvation bracelets. First, we let go of the black balloons because they represent sin and Jesus paid or our sins. Then, the rest of the balloons are let go.

Lorelei did not want to let go of her balloon :)

Time to go home. We will be back again next Campmeeting. Until we meet again...

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