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Friday, July 29, 2011

Campmeeting Videos

Ok, so I should start by saying that I know this is a riduculous amount of videos for one post (I had to leave the computer uploading while I went to sleep the other night).  However, I wanted to share some of those oh so special moments of Campmeeting.  If you don't have time for all of them, make sure to watch the last one...so proud of Lorelei!

Babyland fun!

This is not the typical music of Campmeeting (I never remember any music like this)...but it was so wonderful I thought I'd record a little to share...

Sweet Madelyn enjoying church

Just a glimpse of the hayride

This was the 3 and under game of the Loudsville Olympics 2011.  It started out where they were supposed to carry the rocks in the shovel and put them in the bucket, it turned into just putting the rocks in the bucket...turns out it is hard to "organize kids 3 and under"...OH WHAT FUN!  Just so sweet!
Then there was a game for the big kids that involved shaving cream.  Lorelei decided she wanted to check it out and this is how it started...

This is how it ended :)

A little time with Grand Nana and Papa Jim late one night

Lorelei singing!  She did so good!

That is all for Campmeeting this year!  What a wonderful time!

1 comment:

  1. A famous singer in the making! I still love the shaving cream one :)
